Build on Love and Skill at the Beginning of the Season

Making a Difference – Heroes with a Heart 2012
Have Fun with Your Hair This Spring

Today, I’d like to share a post my mom, Deb Chitwood, published at Raising Figure Skaters. It tells about the work skaters can do at the beginning of the season and the benefits for skaters attending summer skating school. It also has a motivational word-art freebie.

Here are the first two paragraphs:

Each sport has its pre-season time to build. And I think we can look at almost anything as pre-season whenever we’re starting a new project or new time of our lives.

This is the beginning of the season for many in competitive figure skating. I always enjoyed watching how skaters go through the process of finding the right music, choreographing programs, and designing costumes. At the same time, extra emphasis is placed on developing and refining skating skills at the beginning of the new season.

Read the entire article.

Making a Difference – Heroes with a Heart 2012
Have Fun with Your Hair This Spring
April 27, 2012