Is Performing on Ice the Same as Theatre?

Do You Need a Skating Coach?
Ballet on Ice
Christina and Mark Performing to Michael Jackson's "Earth Song" (Photo by David Paterson)

Christina and Mark Performing to Michael Jackson's "Earth Song" (Photo by David Paterson)

People go to the theatre to see a play to be entertained. It may be a love of the arts or maybe a relaxing night out that inspires a trip to the theatre. There are many reasons to attend the theatre.

People also go to an on-ice performance to be entertained. Again it could be a relaxing night out or love of on-ice performances. However, it could be a love of sports as well that inspires a trip to an ice event.

I’ve performed both on the stage and on the ice. I was first an on-ice performer, and that made performing on stage an easy transition and very enjoyable, too. 

Here are 5 similarities that performing on the ice and performing on the stage have in common.

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Do You Need a Skating Coach?
Ballet on Ice
March 10, 2011