Life Lessons from State Games of America

We just concluded a very successful State Games of America, and I want to say congratulations to my students – and all the Chitwood Skating students – on a wonderful competition!  Everyone skated well, and my students alone ended up winning about 25 medals!

The results were great, but they are never my main focus. Although exciting and fun, they are only temporary rewards. The real reward comes from knowing everyone tried their hardest and had a great time doing it.

Overcoming all the nerves and anticipation going into these events and being able to perform well in front of friends, family, other audience members, and judges takes strength, courage, and confidence. All are traits the competitors will be able to use for the rest of their lives!

I’m proud to say that all the Chitwood Skating students displayed those characteristics at the State Games of America. Congratulations on all their great performances!

August 14, 2011

2011 State Games of America – in San Diego!

This week, I’m going to be talking about the 2011 State Games of America (SGOA) coming up August 4-7. State Games of America is held every two years for competitors from all over the U.S. In order to qualify to compete at the SGOA, you had to place in the top 3 in any event at your local State Games (for us, State Games of California in March) either this year or the year before.

This event was started in 1999 and now has around 12,000 competitors participating in 23 different sports. The event moves around the U.S., so we are very fortunate to have it in San Diego this year! This competition is a great opportunity for skaters to get to compete with skaters from around the U.S. who normally wouldn’t compete in California.

The figure-skating events will be held at three different rinks: Kroc, San Diego Ice Arena, and Iceoplex Escondido. One of the highlights will be an Olympic-style opening ceremony at 6:30 p.m. on August 5th for all the athletes to march in. It will be at Qualcom stadium where the San Diego Chargers football team plays and will include a torch lighting!

For more information, visit the California State Games website.

July 15, 2011