Christina Chitwood and Mark Hanretty performing to “Bei Mir Bist Du Schön” from The Swing Kids at the 2009 European Championships. (Photo by Liz Chastney)
Most of us listen to music every day. However, if we were asked what would be good music to perform to, would it be easy to answer? Maybe or maybe not.
Whether you’re choosing music for a show performance or for a competition program, here are some tips for choosing music, especially in figure skating.
1. Start with finding a notebook and pen.
2. Write down any pieces of music you really like and make you feel like moving.
3. Listen to these pieces of music while standing up (if you have the pieces of music – or you can search for and listen to them on the Internet). See how the songs make you feel, if you naturally begin moving to them, and if you can imagine skating to the music.