Coach John Wooden Lives on Through the Pyramid of Success

This month is dedicated to the many life principles former UCLA coach John Wooden gave us in his 99 years.  Coach Wooden passed away on June 4 but left us his wisdom and knowledge though his books and the “Pyramid of Success.”

Coach Wooden is considered to be one of college basketball’s most successful coaches, leading his basketball teams at UCLA to win 10 national championships and 88 consecutive games.  He made sure his athletes learned life principles such as discipline, respect, and doing their best. 

In his retirement, Coach Wooden put these principles to paper with his “Pyramid of Success” presenting the life principles he learned though his sport and life.  Below is the pyramid with the bottom representing the fundamentals and growing upward to the harder-to-reach principles. For more on Coach Wooden, go to his official website at

June 10, 2010